Best Deebot Ozmo T8 Pro Review – Your Own Smart Home Vacuum Cleaner

post modified on April 19

Written by Puja

If you are struggling to find time for yourself then this robot vacuum cleaner is for you. Read our Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo T8 Pro review to know its pros and cons.

Deebot Ozmo T8 Pro Review

This is a review of a Robot Vacuum Cleaner that we bought a few months back. In this Deebot Ozmo T8 Pro review, we will talk about the pros and cons of this robot and also tell you how it is different from the many other robots available in the market today.

TIME is the one thing that most people lack.

However, I feel that while you may not have time, you can certainly find some.

And this is only possible if you begin to prioritize things, such as what is important and what is not, where to invest time and where not to invest time, and, more importantly, what you should invest time in so that you have time for yourself.

So why am I talking about TIME today? You will get to know the answer after reading this BLOG post today!!!

So, let me start with a few questions first:

  • At times do you feel that you aren’t getting enough time?
  • Do you feel that you are not able to give time to your kids and family?
  • Do you feel that you don’t get some “me time”?
  • Do you feel that after doing all your daily work, you are so exhausted and you don’t feel like exercising?
  • Do you love cats and dogs but don’t feel like keeping them because their hair/fur annoys you?

Can you relate to any of these?

If the answer is yes, then you are at the right place.

For the past few months, I used to get really frustrated with all the household work, especially the floor cleaning and mopping. I used to spend almost 2-3 hours of my day doing this.

I could hardly get time for myself or for my daughter. Every day at the end of the day I used to get so tired that I could hardly give time to my blogging or to anything that I would like to do.

But not anymore!!!

I have got a new family member at home. So let me introduce you to, Chatur, aka Deeebot, your very own smart cleaner.

You must be wondering, who is “Chatur”?

Chatur in English means “clever”. So this Deebot cleans up all the mess left behind by us – the not so clever ones, cleverly and without even disturbing you.

All you have to just press the button and boom, your cleaning partner will take care of your floor!!!

And yes, this Deebot, does not just clean, but it also mops your floor. And the best part is that, unlike your maid, you wouldn’t doubt its efficiency.

But before we get into Deebot and what I think about it in this Deebot Ozmo T8 Pro review, let us first talk about what are Robot Vacuum Cleaners.

What is a Robot Vaccum Cleaner?

Robot vacuum cleaners, have you ever heard that term before?

The name itself explains what it does.

Robot vacuum cleaners are intelligent vacuum cleaners that can clean and mop your house with minimal human intervention. It works on AI and has intelligent features that help simplify your everyday cleaning tasks, saving you a lot of time.

This device can be programmed to clean different parts of your house. They can also make their way to move through different parts of your house automatically. You do not need to supervise or monitor the robot while cleaning and the best part is that you can schedule the cleaning activity and get it to clean your house even if you are not at home.

Robot vacuum cleaners are becoming more and more popular nowadays, thanks to the busy lives that every one of us has gotten into. Many people are showing the willingness to purchase such expensive but efficient cleaners that can perform cleaning for a long period of time. All you need to do is, purchase and maintain them.

How did We decide on Ecovacs Deebot?

We had first seen a Robot Vacuum cleaner almost 4 years back. At first sight, we had our own apprehensions about how this will work and if at all it will be efficient in its cleaning. So we decided not to buy it.

But after 4 years, we kind of developed the courage to give it a try, thanks to the hectic schedules and the time limitations.

We researched a lot about the various options that were available and spent quite some time reading and understanding the features and how important each of these features was.

We zeroed in on about 3 different models and finally picked the Deebot.

But, that doesn’t mean that the others were bad.

Just that, we felt that Ecovacs served our needs better and was priced better for the various features.

Here are some of the most important features that we were looking for in a Robot Vacuum cleaner –

  • Long-lasting battery and longer operation time
  • Stronger suction power
  • Availability of spares and disposables
  • Compatability with Auto-emptying station
  • Options to pick various cleaning preferences for deep and efficient cleaning as well as for quick cleaning activities
  • Availability of both vacuuming and mopping function
  • Service center availability and after-sales support

Ecovacs turned out to be the best option on all of these parameters. Additionally, the Ozmo Pro attachment which is an excellent technology for a deeper and better mopping of floors, which we truly loved.

Now, let us quickly look at how good the Deebot is in this quick Deebot Review.

What is Deebot OZMO T8?

DEEBOT OZMO T8 is the first vacuum and mopping robot with state-of-the-art TrueDetect 3D technology. With structured light technology and a 3D scanning algorithm, the robot scans surroundings extremely precisely and detects even the smallest obstacles in the room to avoid collisions, getting stuck or tangled.

Equipped with brand new TrueMapping technology, it maps your home with 4X accuracy. A deep clean with superior cleaning efficiency is ensured with ECOVACS powerful pressure-retention suction system as well as the new and unique OZMO™ Pro mopping technology that consists of a water tank with a high-frequency vibrating mopping plate, ideal for dealing with stubborn stains. Features like virtual boundary setting, carpet detection, individual scheduled room cleaning and Multi-Floor Mapping make cleaning more convenient.

Why You Should Buy a Deebot Ozmo T8?

Vacuuming and mopping are common in Indian households. The ECOVACS DEEBOT (a multifunctional robot ideally suited for such Indian houses) is equipped with both a wet and dry cleaning feature, allowing for parallel mopping and vacuuming.

So if you want to give your entire house a thorough cleaning, then it’s a must-buy product. And since I am using this product for the last 3 months, I can guarantee you that you would love this product.

And one more thing, if you want to spend quality time with your family and in case you want to get more of me time then, instead of thinking much, just go ahead with it and get rid of the daily pressure of clinging and mopping the floor.

This Deebot is good if,

  • You want an affordable robot vacuum with the strong suction power
  • You want a robot vacuum to handle everyday cleaning
  • Or if you live in an apartment or smaller home

Features of Deebot OZMO T8 Pro:

The Deebot has some excellent features and some of them are very unique to it. Hereunder, some of the best features of Deebot OZMO T8, you might want to know about,

  • Avoids Collisions, getting stuck or tangled
  • Next Generation Guidance Technology
  • Plans Cleaning Path Precisely
  • Superior Cleaning Results
  • Powerful Vacuum and Mopping
  • Virtual Boundary
  • Multi-Floor Mapping
  • High Battery Capacity
  • Automatic Charging and Continuous Cleaning
  • Smart Home Compatibility

Our Deebot Ozmo T8 Pro Review

We have been using the Deebot for about 4 months now and were quite impressed with its efficiency. So we thought of doing a detailed Deebot Ozmo T8 Pro review, for the benefit of all of you out there, who are stressed with the shortage of time.

Here is our review of the Deebot –

Form Factor

We live in a flat that has an area of about 1555 Sq.ft. When we first ran the robot, it mapped the entire house and came back saying that the cleanable area was about 600 Sq.ft. This was much lesser than the actual floor area because there were a lot of places that the robot couldn’t go into like the area where we had platform beds, tables, floor level TV units, etc.

Now, this was one thing that we spent quite some time researching.

The Deebot has a small form factor in comparison to some of the other robots. It still cannot go under some of that low-floor furniture because of the protruding infrared detection camera on top.

In spite of that, it could still manage to go under a lot of that furniture that we weren’t really expecting it to go.

Overall we felt that this was a big positive in favor of the robot.

Cleaning time

This was another important aspect that we were looking at.

We found a lot of robots that had a zig-zag cleaning pattern making the entire cleaning process a little more longer with almost negligible addition in cleaning efficiency.

The Deebot has a very nice cleaning pattern and this ensures that the cleaning is done faster and efficiently.

The overall cleaning time was intelligently reduced after the first few weeks of cleaning. It started with 75 minutes and went down to almost 58 minutes once the bot got accustomed to the house. I guess that is the AI at work.

Anyways, vacuuming the entire house and mopping the floor in less than an hour is absolutely amazing.

Vacuum Suction Power

The suction power of the robot is amazing. This is another area that we were concerned about. We were always doubtful if these robots would have enough vacuum pressure to clean the floor as compared to the conventional vacuum cleaners.

Surprisingly, Deebot proved us wrong there.

With its 1800pa suction power, it would suck almost anything that it found on its way. And since you had the option of deciding how much of a suction power you want to use, it helped ensure that you aren’t unnecessarily wasting on the energy as well.

The only thing that we felt a slight problem with is the fact that objects like long strands of paper or, plastic would not be completed sucked in and hence would create a weird noise when it gets stuck partially between the roller brushes.

While this didn’t impact the functioning of the robot or, had any issues with the cleaning, the noise was a little disturbing.

Battery Life

I am sure this is something that most people buying a Vacuum robot cleaner ignore or, don’t quite research well. We have had a poor experience in the past, so we definitely wanted to buy something that met our requirements in terms of the operating time.

The Deebot is probably one of the very few that comes with such high capacity battery at least at this price range. The 5200 mAH battery gives you almost 180 minutes of cleaning time at standard vacuuming.

For our house, when the robot cleans 600 sq.ft., it barely uses about 18% of the charge. So every time it goes back to charge it still has about 80%+ of battery power remaining. And we felt that it was simply amazing.

Even when we deep clean the house with double vacuuming power and a double cycle, the Deebot still goes back to charge with around 65% of charge.

Obstacle Avoidance and Object Detection

This is another aspect that we were a little concerned with. We had heard about complaints from customers about their Robots not being able to detect objects and obstacles and even falling off edges.

Most companies used a ton of jargon when explaining this feature and we never understood any of those. So when we finally decided on Deebot, we were actually taking a calculated risk.

But that risk turned out to be a good one. Because the obstacle avoidance of the Deebot was simply amazing.

It could detect even the smallest object and would avoid a collision. You also had a choice to decide if you want to enable the advanced object detection or, leave it as it is for deeper cleaning.

We would leave it as it is because there weren’t many objects that we were worried that the robot would collide with. With the other furniture and things at home, the Deebot would nicely navigate around it and clean.


Home cleaning is always a big pain. And Deebot is a solid choice if the budget allows it.

Most people are hesitant to spend money on these types of home appliances, and I know you’re not alone; I was in the same boat just a few months ago.

My mindset of thinking was like, why to waste so much money when I could just pay a small amount and have a maid for floor cleaning. But then I was wrong; if you think deep about it, you can buy this Deebot for the same amount or a little more, you pay your maid annually. And the deebot will be yours at all times.

When you need a floor cleaning, simply press the button on your phone, and the Deebot will come to your service.

Deebot is a kind of home appliance that has made several lives easier, if you have not heard of it, check out its website. You may be missing out a lot. And in case you’re interested in purchasing a Deebot, the best way to get one is from the below Amazon link.

My Recommended Product:

So in case you made up your mind and have understood how important a role can be played by this DEEBOT OZMO, you can Buy now. Here I have listed two products, one is the Robotic vacuum cleaner and the other one is the emptying station.

Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. I am an independent blogger and the reviews are done based on my own opinions. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

Please do take a little time to comment on the blog post, as your feedback means a lot to me. And don’t forget to share on your favorite social networks sites.

A self-proclaimed Champion Cook, who gets the confidence from the love and praises showered upon me by my family consisting of a Cute little Daughter and a husband who loves the Internet more than me (LoL..) and who incidentally happens to be the man behind the technical aspects of this blog.
I love working from home and the benefits that come from it and that is why I started this blog where I document all my adventures with cooking.
Follow me on my journey..

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