A Vacation, a Mother’s Day and Some Nice Time with my Mom!

post modified on May 8

Written by Puja

mother's day

First of all, let me wish all my readers a very happy Mother’s day.

It is always a great feeling to be with your mom and at the moment, I am experiencing it. It’s been almost an year and half that I got a chance to visit my hometown and spend some time with my mom. With my daughter’s school closing down for the summer vacations, this was the perfect time to plan the visit.

We are almost at the end of our vacation and already packing our bags for the trip back in another 4 days.

Even the mention of the return, brings tears in my mother’s eyes. Because it is going to be the start of a long wait – of another long year.

It is when you are with your mother, that you realize that the warmth and love that you get from her is second to none. And there is just no one who can forgive, forget, love and care for you like her. No matter how much you hurt her, there is no deductions from the amount of love she carries. And when you become a mother is when you realize the pain that your mother might have gone through.

22 Days of Mom’s Love

It has been 22 days of fun, love and enjoyment eating all of my favorite foods, spending a lot of time talking and savoring all of the love that my mom had stored for me since the last year and a half.

So many times I would just lie down with my head on her lap and she would keep running her fingers through my hair. That felt like the best few moments in my life – moments free of all worries and tensions. And I would pray that those moments would just never end.

This was the first time that I showed her my blog. She was struggling to understand all of it but still kept listening patiently. I also ensured that I capture all of the nice recipes that she instructed and I made. As I clicked the pictures, she looked at me in awe. I am sure she was wondering as to what is it that I am doing.

Mom’s have a unique touch to their recipes. There were a lot of recipes that she made for me, which I too cook very regularly. The ingredients and the methods are pretty much the same. Yet when mom cooked those recipes for me, it tasted so different.

Another few days and then it will be almost a year before I can experience all of this again. But that’s what life is all about.

Once again wishing all my dear friends a very happy Mother’s day. Take this opportunity to show her that you really love and care for her.

All Rest and No Work

We had deliberately planned for a vacation with little work, though some amount of work was inevitable. My sister had delivered a baby girl and this vacation was also planned in such a way that we were able to attend all the ceremonies as well.

In all of the ceremonies and travel, I was able to spend some time in my dad’s chamber. He is a lawyer by profession and all the while when we celebrated, he was busy with his cases. A couple of hours in his chamber and you could see the years of struggle he had gone through to bring up the 4 of us kids.

The law books and files in his chamber had a stories to tell. Stories of hundreds of lawsuits, some genuine and some not. Some cases that my dad won and some he lost. Some for people who were innocent and some against people who were innocent. And amongst all of this it also narrated the story of the toils of a father.

That's Legal

It is strange that a lot of the hard work and struggles that our parents go through, tends to go unnoticed. We just do not find the time to look into their eyes and understand them.

All it takes is a little time to sit beside them and hold their hand.

If you haven’t had the time to do it, now is it. Go ahead and show your parents that you care.

A self-proclaimed Champion Cook, who gets the confidence from the love and praises showered upon me by my family consisting of a Cute little Daughter and a husband who loves the Internet more than me (LoL..) and who incidentally happens to be the man behind the technical aspects of this blog.
I love working from home and the benefits that come from it and that is why I started this blog where I document all my adventures with cooking.
Follow me on my journey..

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